Are you considering giving birth at Amstelland Hospital? Or do you want to know all your options just to be sure? Please join us for your information evening about giving birth in Amstelland Hospital.
The information night is hosted by a nurse and a midwife. They will provide you with information about hospital admission, childbirth, breastfeeding and maternity care. We are also pleased to provide a tour of our birth department. In case there are many patients, we would love to keep the peace and show you a video instead of the tour, that provides a clear image of our possibilities.
Dates: See the registration form below
Location: Amstelland Hospital, Meeting room
Time: 7:00 PM to 9:30 PM
This information night is free of any costs and does not require you to commit to anything. To coordinate the number of attendees, please register for a meeting in the 7th month of your pregnancy (starting at 28 weeks).
There is a maximum number of attendees for meetings. When the evening is fully booked, we will let you know.
To register
Register informationevening childbirth Amstelland hospital